editorial services

Do you have a story to tell?

With a combination of empathy and insight, Gali helps first-time authors as well as seasoned writers to get started, clarify their ideas, overcome writer’s block, hone their craft, and cultivate habits that shepherd a project from concept to completion.

Writing a book can feel intimidating. Gali has helped people who can’t spell, loathe grammar or get anxious just thinking about writing to tell their stories and see them published.

My services:

Getting started. Depending on whether your book is a memoir or nonfiction, you’ll need to answer a few key questions. Do I need to write a book proposal? Who are my target readers? What do I want to accomplish with my book? What is the problem my book will solve for readers? Who are my key characters? What is their story arc? How do I craft material that editors will publish? Gali’s guidance early on has helped writers to clarify their goals and put their project on track for success.

Book coaching. Feedback from weekly sessions is priceless for a writer. Many writers come to see our collaboration as a kind of MFA program that takes their confidence and writing skills to new heights. The skills needed to pen an ace college paper or legal brief craft are not the same as those required to pen a compelling scene, dialogue or character description. Gali works with clients anywhere from a few times a week to a few hours a month. The key is consistency.

Ghostwriting. As an interpreter, Gali’s role was to find le mot juste, the right word. As a ghostwriter, he brings the same fluency with language to help clients tell their stories. Through interviews and research and the tools of creative nonfiction—true stories, well told—his client’s books come alive on the page.

Editing. Whether you need help developing your ideas or finding the arc of your story, Gali can help you dig deeper to craft a compelling narrative. He also evaluates drafts—memoirs, nonfiction books and articles—and works with clients to sharpen their work and pitch it for publication.

Book proposals. An essential step for anyone seeking to publish a non- fiction book with a traditional publisher. Gali has written and edited proposals that garnered six-figure advances from major publishers.

Publishing. Gali can guide you through the pros and cons of traditional publishing, hybrid publishing and self-publishing. Traditional and hybrid publishers, literary agents and a prestigious NY ghostwriting agency have referred him clients.

Self-publishing. If this is the right choice for your book, Gali will guide you through the entire process to create a stunning book that has the same polished look of a book published by Simon & Schuster or Penguin Random House. This is because he hires their award-winning freelance graphic artists! He helps client’s find top global talent to create five professional iterations of their book cover as well as design the interior, logo, photos and graphics.

Traditional publishing. If your goal is to pursue this route, Gali will find at least 10 literary agents who handle your genre and accept submissions from new writers. Most importantly, he will help you craft a compelling one-page pitch letter that most will sell the appeal of your book to an agent.

Royalties/Distribution. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is an easy resource, however it won’t help you retain the most amount of money per book sold and will limit its distribution. Gali will help ensure your book obtains an ISBN number and is available through Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Powell’s, libraries and independent booksellers.

Copy edit/Design. Gali works with professional graphic designers, copy editors and proofreaders from New York to London who charge rates far below boutique hybrid publishers. He recognizes it’s essential to have a new pair of eyes to review every line of the final manuscript to catch any misspellings, grammar errors or awkward phrasing. Gali also works with top book website designers. He oversees the quality of all work to ensure your print and e-book editions look great.

Publicity. His many years working as a reporter, editor and magazine writer have helped Gali develop a keen eye for pitching stories, a skill he draws on to help book clients’ garner free media. Writing a book is a long journey and meeting a benchmark goal such as getting an article, essay or op-ed published under one’s own byline has helped many of his clients to find a literary agent, interest a publisher or leverage a heftier book advance.

Support. A writer who feels understood and championed by a gifted and compassionate editor produces his or her best work.

For a free consult, contact Gali: bygali@me.com or 310 991-4254